Manager Trainer Courses

Programs for Sales Managers

Integrity with clients – a focus on lifetime service

Improve Forecasting and Pipeline Visibility With Sales Management Training

Sales managers need a repeatable, easy-to-master process for quickly reviewing their team’s sales pipelines and opportunities to provide meaningful and objectively-based coaching that improves their sales team skills.

Contempo Sales Management and Coaching Training Program

The Sales Management and Coaching training program provides an overview of common sales management challenges and teaches sales managers to overcome them. In the training program, your sales management team learns how to analyze opportunities and then engage their agents in an effective opportunity review via coaching conversations.

They learn how to perform a pipeline review to identify the potential yield of current opportunities, recognize stuck opportunities, and find ways to close gaps in individual seller’s pipes.

The Secret Sauce

Your sales managers will also develop skills and a plan to support the implementation of new processes and methodologies across the organization. The result is repeatable processes personally taught and tediously facilitated examples of execution by our highly trained staff.

$22,000 M-F 9-4 P.M. workshop time. No headcount.

Expenses submitted on Wednesday afternoon, payable Thursday prior to event commencement.